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By L H Sumner

I had a dream that SOMEHOW I got into Courtney's house. I was looking around and I kept seeing paintings that Kurt painted. I kept walking around and i saw courtney's guitars and stuff like that. Then for some reason I decided to go outside, then courtney pulled up in a car and she said "HI" and she invited me into her house to hangout with her. Of course i told her how I was her biggest fan and that Hole was awsome. I stayed at her house all day, and we played guitar and smoked some pot. Then finally I had to leave and she said it was cool hanging out with me and that we should do it again sometime when she wasnt busy and then when I was leaving she gave me a kiss! IT WAS SO COOL!! It was the coolest and most realistic dream ive ever had.
When I woke up for a second I thoought it really happened. But then I realized it was just a dream that any 15 year old boy would have of they admired Courtney Love as much as I do.

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By Maria

In my dream I walk into a class auditorium (think college), except everything is made of dreary gray stone. I look around, and there's Courtney, writing on the blackboard. She's dressed like a college professor. I approach her and ask her how I could get home. She says, "Go ask Ricky Martin." I turn around, and Ricky Martin is riding around the classroom on a tricycle. I chase after him and ask him how I could get home, but he refers me back to "Ms. Love." Upset, I march down the center aisle of the classroom when Courtney says, "And everyone in Portland wears flannel and has a band named after a tool." (One of her quotes about Minneapolis, I think). Suddenly, all the students in the class are wearing flannel shirts and carrying Everclear (a Portland band) lunchboxes.

Lucky, that's when I woke up. But I had one more dream a few days later: I was in Kurt and Courtney's bedroom, and I heard crying from the bathroom. I knocked on the door and I knew that Kurt was on the other side, crying. He was asking for Courtney, and I was telling him, "I can't help you, I can't help you," over and over again. Finally, I leave him alone and go to find Courtney. I'm roaming around the mansion when I finally run into her. She's smoking and she looks at me and deadpans, "Well I can't help him either." Then I woke up, left with a very eerie feeling.

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By Alexandra

I had this wierd nightmare dream -
I woke Up one morning and I looked in the mirror and I was beautiful. Then it got wiered. I was a bubble-gum-sparkly-perky pop star!!!!!! I had a photo shoot where I smiled and wore tight pink clothes. Then I had to go to this big hollywood party. In one corner of the party, Courtney, Eric, Patty, Sam, and Melissa were talking to Kurt Cobain. In another corner, Brittany Spears, And other pop stars were talking. I walked over to them and joined in on their stupid conversation. It was terrible! I completly ignored Hole and Kurt!!!!!!! And I became Brittany Spear's best friend. It was so weird.

OK I know I'm a total headcase, but I dream about hole a lot, and I decided to send one!

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By Miranda

Ok, well, one time I had this dream that my mother bought this big house in this ritzy neighborhood. Well, in turns out that in my dream Eric lived down the street. I was sitting on the roof of my house and I saw him, Courtney, and Melissa run down as quick as lightning to say hello to me. Then some pizza guy showed up and I threw him a plastic ball or something but that's irrelevent. WEll, anyways...that dream kept me a happy pandah until I woke up realized where I was and realized that Eric dind't live near me. sigh..dreams


I had this dream that my friend(s) and I think my sister were hanging out with Courtney Love. We were having fun and stuff, but we decided we'd all go out and do something fun. Which is hard to do where I live but anyways...... Right before we were about to go I spilled some tea or coke or soemthing. I looked at Courtney and said "Should I clean this up myself or let someone else come in and clean it up?" She looked at me all serene like and said, "Do what you think is the right thing to do" So I cleaned it up myself. When I was done Courtney and my friends had left! I was peoed......and then some guy who's obsessed with everyone having guitars walked into my house but that's irrelevent.

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By Kaira

in one dream that i had (i think it occuored sometime last year) i was sitting out by our town's elementary school on the playground.. and it was really dark and couldy outside, and there were children running around everwhere (well.. it WAS playground and all..)...all the little brats started throwing rocks and sticks at me, so i leave and run off to a building that houses the local insurance company, and i sat down beside a bush.. ..then somehow, eric was sitting beside me.. and he was eating celery out of a glass.. (??) and he asked me if i wanted any... i told him he "can keep his fucking celery"... then he asked me if i knew anyhting about his "illigitament" daughter that he left in my town with his ex-girlfriend a few years back... ..and the next thing i know he tells me IM he's daughter.. (??) ..then all the little brats came back and started throwing celery at us... (??).. the last i remember of that dream was eric apologizing for having left me here without a father..then some little kid came out wearing a white dress (she looked like one of the childern from 'the village of the dammed'), screamed "he's MY DAD!!" and threw a rock at my head.. then i woke up... yeah.. its fucked..


..a couple weeks ago, i dreamt that i tried to beat my psychatrist to death with a baseball bat..(yikes... i know) ..i had left her body on my front porch, so i went out to bring her body in so i could hide it.. however, when i retuend the porch, my psychatrist wasnt herself anymore.. ..it was kristen phaff {r.i.p.}...and she wasnt dead.. she was a zombie or something like that.. ..and she was trying to get inside the door to attck me... so i was fighing with her to keep the door closed.. when the door was open just enough, i repeadly poked her with the stick of a broom i was holding, while singing "miss world".. then i woke up... i felt almost gulity for having that dream..

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By Kylie

my mum and me are cleaning cupboards in our house and she finds a really old fashioned Hole record that has never been opened and she tells me she bought it for me as a present years ago but forgot to give it to me . so anyway i listen to the whole thing and at the end i hear Courtney’s voice and i think it must be a secret song so i keep listening but then i realize its a special message that hole put on only one of their Records ever. so Courtney is saying "hi this is Courtney if you listening to this record and You liked it then call me on this private number and we’ll have a chat but if you didn’t like it well then fuck you". I’m so exited but I call and she answers and I tell Her who I am and we talk for ages and then she asks me if I play guitar and I say yes And she goes well ill send you my guitar!! I thank her and she says to call her again if I ever I need to talk. Cool hu? well i thought it was.

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By A.J.

im at this hotel that has a water park inside. and im in the lobby sitting...well this elevator door opens up and eric erlandson comes out with a bottle of champaign or however you spell it and he says "hi".
i say "hi"
he says "sorry you cant come up to the party...but your to young"
i say "yeah thats to bad".

eric sits down with me and we start talking...he sits by me cause his elevator door wont open and he is waiting for it, so to pass the time he starts talking to me. i ask him normal questions that a fan would ask but somehow i remain calm. i ask him the one question i have been waiting to ask him forever... i ask "was that kurts guitar that you play in the dollparts vidio cause its an upside down jaguire"
eric says "no thats my guitar".
considering this is a dream i honestly think that he is playing kurts guitar in that vidio cause i think courtney wanted him to. and kurt played his guitar with the right hand and eric plays with the left.
anyway so we are talking and out of nowhere courtney comes up in the malibu vidio outfit and says "eric what are yoiu doing"
he says "im talking to him"
and courtney says "oh....hi"
"hi" i said
courtney sits down next to eric and talks to him and i...she mostly talks to him.

we all get up and go to this water slide.i say to courtney "can i have a cigarette"
she says "noway you are way to young"
i say "you smoked when you were my age"
courtney respnds to me by saying "well thats me and this is you and you cant have one cause you are to young".

then i wake up to my damn dog barking but i get a cigarette from this lady that reminded me of joan crawford

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By Casey


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By CobainFan01@aol.com

I dreamt that i was outside next to this doctors office that was closed, but it had an outside light on and it was really dark cuz it was night time and it was so dark i couldnt see anything except for part of the doctors office. the only light was the one outside the office. Then my little brother comes and sits next to me, and for some reason we're both REALLY scared. The we hear footsteps and we dont know who it is, but then as the figure approaches us, we can see more clearly that it's Courtney Love. She had her hair pulled back and was wearing a long, black cloak-like thing over her clothes and she looked really sad. Then she goes "Hello" and her voice sounds very emotionless. "Hi" i say Then i tell her how much i love her music and her acting and how talented she is and how shes my role model and that i love her and that im her biggest fan. Then all of a sudden she looks really happy and smiles really big and says "Thank you, that's so sweet! Hey, you guys come with me, let's go for a ride." And she leads me and my little brother to her car. She opens the passenger door for me and i get in, then she tells my brother to get in the back, and we drive around for a while and we talk and have the BEST time. And the windows are foggy and courtney starts writing on them with her finger, but i forgot what she wrote. Then she lets her hair down and puts the scrunchie on her wrist. Finally, we pull into her driveway. At this point, im so elated that I'm actually at COURTNEY LOVE, MY IDOL'S HOUSE, that i start crying with happiness, then Courtney tells me its ok and she politely tells me and my brother to get out and go inside the house. So all 3 of us go inside Courtney's house, and Courtney takes off her long black cloak, and i can see that she is wearing black pants and a pretty pale pink tank top.And her house is AWESOME, its the most beautiful house ive ever been in. She shows us around, and when we are in her room, she shows us all the clothes in her closet. I'm like "Oh my god, what awesome clothes, Courtney, I love them" and Courtney says "You can try as many of them on for as long as you like, and i'll tell you how they look on you" So i try them all on and she's like "Oh my god Skye, you look good in my clothes" And we laugh and hang out while my brother is downstairs watching tv. We had the BEST time. Then we go downstairs where my brother is and we all sit on the couch and watch tv together. After about 2 hours of tv, we talk and hang out some more. Then we realize that it's hella late, and we're all very tired. Then Courtney goes "I would really love it if you two spent the night here. Does that sound good to yall?" And we both go "YEAH!!!!" at the same time and she laughs and says "Ok, I'll go call your mom and tell her where you are" So she goes away, and about 5 minutes later she comes back and says "Ok, kids, it's ok with her, where do you want to sleep?" and my little brother goes "I want the couch!!" and she's like "All right, Zachary, I'll go get you some blankets and pillows" so she goes away again and comes back about 5 minutes later with some pillows and blankets and hands them to my brother and gets on the couch and covers up and Courtney says "Good night, Zachary, sleep tight" and my bro's like "Night, Courtney" Then Courtney says "All right, Skye, now where do you want to sleep?" And i go "Well, i really don't know...." And she says "How about in the extra bedroom?" And im like "That's fine with me" and she's like "Ok, good, it's right across from my bedroom. But, wait, it would probably be very uncomfortable sleeping in those jeans, I'll let you wear one of my night gowns" And I'm like "Thanks, Courtney, that's too nice of you" And she says "No, it's the least i can do, after all, im honored that my biggest fan and her little brother are sleeping here" And she goes and brings back this ABSOLUTELY BEAUTIFUL nightgown and hugs me and says "Sweet dreams, Skye" and i'm like "Good night, Courtney" And then i go into the beautiful bedroom and change into the night gown and go to bed. Then the next morning, i wake up, and i hear Courtney and my brother's voices coming from downstairs, so i get out of bed without even changing back into my clothes, and i run downstairs and Courtney and my little brother are at the table eating pancakes and Courtney says "Oh, good morning, Skye, me and Zachary were just talking about our favorite music. Whar's your favorite music? " so i tell her some of my favorite bands and she's like "That's lovely, i like those bands too, now have some pancakes" so we all sit and eat pancakes till were about to bust and then we hang out yet some more. And then Courtney says "Hey, Zachary, the saturday morning cartoons are on." and my bro's like "Cool!" Then he turns on the tv and Courtney says "Come up to my room, Skye" so i go up there, and Courtney's like "I just wanted to come up here in private and have some girl talk" so we talk and have the most awesome time. Courtney acted like a big sister to me. Then the phone rang and Courtney says "I'll be right back" And then she came back up and says "That was your mom. She needs you back now" And im like "Oh man...." and shes like "I know, I dont want you to leave either, but you aren't my children, and i just cant go against your mother's wishes. You can come back again some other time." And I say ok. Then she goes and gets my brother. We go outside and Courtney's like "Oh wait a minute!" and she goes in the house and comes back about 5 minutes later and she hands my brother this really cool looking toy that looks like a spiderweb and has a bunch of places on it where you can shoot water balloons. "Wow, thanks!!!!" My brother says. Courtney laughs and says "You're more than welcome. its the least i can do." Then she hands me this really big and beautiful looking hardcover book and leans over and whispers "This is a very special book" and i open it and on the inside of the front cover, she has written me a long note, and i forgot what it said, but i do remember that it was very sweet and beautiful and touching and i started crying and hugged her and i managed to choke out the words "thank you" and she hugged me back really tight and said "Youre welcome. I love you, youre like a little sister" and she started crying too and im like "Really? Thats how i feel. your also like a sister" And then we got into the car and drove to my house, but it was an EXTREMELY long drive, cuz i live on the other side of the country from Courtney. And then when we get out of the car, i realized that i never changed back into my clothes, and i say "Oh, Courtney, i forgot about your night gown" And she says "That's ok, you can keep it" so then we go to the door and we go inside and she says she wants to see my room, so i show her and she saya "Wow. Your room is so cool" Then i thank her, and then she says she has to go, and she asks my mom if she can fly me and Zachary up to her house next summer, and my mom says "Yes, they can spend a whole month up there too" And Courtney says "Great!!" And then she hugs me and my brother goodbye and drives off. But then after she drives off, i start reading the book she gave me, and the main character is a princess named Skye who has a big sister whom shes really close with (i dont have a big sis in real life, so you know who the book must have been talking about) and then the princess get married, and her big sis does too, and they're best friends forever. Except the book is very long, so theres a quite a few more details in it than that. Then, a few days later , the clothes that i left at courtney's house came in the mail, and theres a letter from Courtney thanking me and my bro for staying overe there, and telling us to keep in touch, and that she'll see us in the summer time. Then i woke up. That was the most lovely dream i ever had. Too bad it was just a dream.

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By Nanci

i saw Courtney playing a song on t.v.and i wanted to go to the concert. It was no ordinary concert place.it was huge with tons of courtney fans. so i decided to get ready. i didnt do the laundry (damn) so i put on this dorky pink shirt to go to the concert. then my mom decides that she wants to walk or a mile for her daily workout. she does that. i keep whining. Then i go to the Courtney concert. i bring my scrapbook and a paper for Courtney. Courtney signs my autograph. she puts down that she likes the POTI logos better. i didnt know what that ment. anyways then my mom ask these stpiud questions to courtney like what is your occupation and started a full conversation with Courtney. THen i sit down and talked to this old man. he says he's a courtney fan too and knows all the directors and shit. then i ask his friend what songs did Courtney play? yes she played religrous songs about Joseph whoever that was? and then courtney was done playing and i wanted another autograph(lol) so i bring my scrapbook. She looks through my scrapbook and sees the Kurt and courtney pic. she says "oh there was Kurt" she didnt have a sad expression on her face. then i just enjoyed courtneys's new music from her new album "America's Sweetheart"
the end

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By Sidney

I had sat on a scene at the time of a Rock festival. There were many people and they awaited all that a group arrives and plays. A person raised me by the arm, hustled me to the scene and my electric guitar gave me. The person forced me to play. I played the first note of "Rock Star". Crowd was in is delirious, it jumped in all the directions and I was regarded as a goddess.


I walked in the street, alone, the weather was black and there were posts. It have there world, I advance until I arrive at an immense scene. Courtney sang, she was so beautiful! she looked at me and go one from the scene, signed me an autograph and one from went away together.

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