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"You wanna put it in me? I'm not a woman! I'm a fucking force of nature! Your dick will fly right off!"
--- Courtney Love in 1995

"I knew the French liked to smoke, but this is ridiculous!"
--- Jill Emery during a show in France, 1991

"We're from Los Angeles, but not that bad!"
--- Courtney Love during a show in France, 1991, when the stage fills up with smoke from some burning equipment, or a smoke machine going haywire.

"I'm really sorry about Jerry Garcia, but if he went, that means that my real father might go soon, and that makes me happy."
--- Courtney Love in concert, after Jerry Garcia from the Greatful Dead died

"You know, if Nicole Kidman was a rock star, she'd be alot more professional than me, I'm sorry."
--- Courtney Love at the Big Day Out festival in Sydney, Australia, 1999

"Alright, we're gonna play a pop song for 40 000 people. Uhm... Let's see how this works out, cuz it's a god damn good song, and everyone in Australia seems to like it, so... It's "Enter Sandman"... NOT... Dickheads... Dream the fuck on."
--- Courtney at the Big Day Out festival in Sydney, Australia, 1999

"Barbie is not your friend!"
--- Courtney Love in concert 94/95

"Don't let them make you cynical, pleeeeaaaaaase! It's... It'll kill you. It'll turn you into drug addict, fucking losers. Don't be cynical, please, god."
--- Courtney Love at the Brixton Academy, London, UK, 06/24/99

"Dude, did you say "Fuck you" to me when I was saying "Don't be cynical"? Oh, that is so cute! That's perfect! 'Don't be cynical' 'Fuck you!'"
--- Courtney Love at the Brixton Academy, London, UK, 06/24/99

"It's very sweaty in your foggy city. I'm dripping of the sexsweat. Jesus."
--- Melissa Aud Der Maur at the Brixton Academy, London, UK, 06/24/99

"That was a Madonna cover, did you know that? (*pause*) She gets really annoyed becuse we dress better."
--- Courtney Love at the Riverside Theatre, Milwaukee, MI, 05/28/99

"There are ten commandments, I've only broken three."
--- Courtney Love at the Riverside Theatre, Milwaukee, MI, 05/28/99

"When I'm done with this tour, can I do a romantic comedy with Tom Cruise? Is that okay?"
--- Courtney Love at the Riverside Theatre, Milwaukee, MI, 05/28/99

"The last time we were here I made out with Trent Reznor in the dressing room. (*pause*) Listen, anyone with a band name Nine Inch Nails with a small weenie who's a misagonist is a fucking walking target for me. I'm sorry. (*laugh*) If you're gonna name your band Hole you better have a nice tight one... Okay, but if you're gonna name your band Nine Inch Nails it better be at least seven."
--- Courtney Love at the Riverside Theatre, Milwaukee, MI, 05/28/99

"Don't do that to Missy, throw things at me. She never did anything to you, I did."
--- Courtney Love in Charleston, WV, 08/03/95

"How can you love me if you don't know me? I stink really bad."
--- Courtney Love in '94/'95.

"Princess Di is my sister, she just won't admit it."
--- Courtney Love at the Octagon, Sheffield, UK, 04/29/95

"I would like to say in defense of the Christian religion that there are nice things about it. There really are. And Marilyn can tear up the Bible all he wants and I understand why, but... there's good things in the Bible. Good things. Like about, you know, not killing people, and... you know... not sleeping with people's husbands."
--- Courtney Love in Sydney, 01/23/99

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* Thanks to Shany for the idea to this section.

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© 1997 - 2004 to cry me a river