1. Plump
2. My Beautiful Son
3. Miss World
4. Asking For It
5. Hungry Like A Wolf ¤¤
6. Gutless
7. Softer, Softnest
8. I Think That I Would Die ¤¤¤
9. Credit In The Straight World ¤
10. Teenage Whore
11. Violet
12. What You've Got *
13. He Hit Me (and it felt like a kiss) *
14. She Walks On Me *
15. I Don't *
16. Rock Star *

¤ Young Marble Giants,
¤¤ Lebon/Rhodes/Taylor J & A,
¤¤¤ Hole/Bjelland J.
Recorded live in the Hollywood Palladium, CA, 1994
"Soundboard recording"
except *
Recorded live in The Edge, Orlando, FI, March 12, 1995
