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I read your story about your events in the mosh pit, and they are very much like the things that happened to me at edgefest 99, the July 1st show. Althought HOLE was there their mosh pit was not HORRIBLE, it was bad but not so bad that you couldn't breathe. But SILVERCHAIR was also there and it was their mosh pit that terrified me.

I had been in the mosh pit since about 1 that afternoon and it had been pretty fun, there was terential downpours all day which kept us nice and cool. But it rained so hard before silverchairs set that they had to be postponed for over an hour. By this time the other stage had closed down so all 40 000 people were watching silverchair. Because the wait left time for more people to pack in the pit it became horrible before they even walked on the stage. Everyone was pushing and the whole crowd just kept going side to side, and many people fell over and got trampled, all before the band even took the stage.
Once the band came out and started playing Isreals son, things got 100 times worse, so many people were falling on the ground and 2 of my friends passed out in the pit, while another one was lucky enough to be brought to sickbay by a security gaurd. I was left in the pit, and even though I am tall I could not breathe. The crowd shifted and I went down, the grond was muddy, and some peoples faces were being pushed in the mud, and many of them were passing out. I finally got enough strength to get up, and I just started heading for the back, telling everyperson I saw I needed to get out I couldn't breathe. Finally this nice guy responded, and pushed my way out for me. I just fell on the grass and started crying, I honestly thought I might have died. I just stumbled around crying gasping for air, finally I feel down and some people from sickbay found me and took me so I was okay. But the whole experience was very frightning, and some people I talked with later said holes mosh pit, which I only went into the back of, was better but still bad.

The guy that helped me out later came to see me to see if I was okay and he said that he saw lots of people just laying there passed out that he could do nothing about, and it was frightning, I'm just lucky he got to me.

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