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I arrived 4 hours early to get to this concert. Hole is my favorite band and I had waited years to finally get the chance to see Courtney in NYC. After waiting me and my best friend finally got in to the venue. (We are tiny 5'2" to be exact and that sux at concerts!). But most of the REAL Hole fans that were there seemed to be our stature as well. There were many crazy tall guys who were obviously just there in hopes of seeing Courtney tear of her shirt. This pissed me off and to top it off they kept getting infront of me. I was about 4 rows of people away from the stage and I was pretty happy. Even before Hole came on the heat and pressure was excruciating. I was lucky enough to be hosed down by the ever lovely "water guys" who worked @ Roseland. But I wasn't gonna let anything ruin my night so I stood my ground. As soon as the lights went off and the first note of the Old Age intr o began the crowd went insane. People were trying to crawl over you to get closer. As soon as Violet began, my best friend and I were torn apart. I didn't even have enough room to put my feet on the floor. I was being held up by the pressure of the hot sticky bodies surrounding me. People were pushing forward and I started to scream. I could barely hear the loud chords of Violet over my own screams of terror. I began crying hysterically begging for help. I couldn't even stand, and the pressure was so great it was becoming hard to breath. Some of the men around me noticed my screams for help and noticed I was barely breathing so they tried to lift me up for the bouncer to pull me out but some asshole pulled me down again and I went underneath peoples feet. I clawed the same men that lifted me up and they saw me underneath everyone they started screaming for everyone to help me up cause they thought I was dying. They grabbed me and thank god for those strong people cause otherwise I wouldn't have made it. They hoisted me up and the bouncers noticed me. At the same time I was being groped by strangers hands because I was face down. My shirt was almost torn off. The bouncers grabbed my hand and pulled me out. I was still crying and they were afraid to put me down. They just held me like a baby. Finally they asked me if I was ok and started walking me out to the side. I looked up and saw an angel. I raised my arm and whispered "Courtney". Courtney saw me grabbed my hand and fucking lifted me with one hand on stage!!!!!!! I was dazed as hell and this was too much. As soon as my feet touched the stage a security guard rushed at me. I thought my moment of glory was over but she motioned for me to sit down besides the drums and relax. I couldn't believe this. II was the first person courtney had saved from the crowd that night. Although this story is long as hell, the time that really elapsed was less than 5 minutes for as I sat down I realized that Hole began to play the next song, Awful. That night I spent the rest of the concert on stage sitting under Sam's drums. Courtney gave me a bottle of water after Awful was over cause she saw the condition I was in. After the show finished Sam gave me her drum stick. I will never be as happy as I was that night. The thrill of looking out on the crowd and courtney and melissa and eric was the highest high I'll ever obtain. But not every person has such a similar story as mine. Its not fair for girls like us to be abused at concerts. It feels like a form of rape. We have been abused and violated. This is wrong and must stop. END THE VIOLENCE NOW.

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© 1997 - 2004 to cry me a river