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This year, I was at Glastonbury fesival , mainly to see Hole. Don't get me wrong - as far as I know, nothing bad happened, but reading your page, i was very disappointed in the actions ( or non-actions) of Courtney andf Hole. I still have a great admiration for all of them, but I know that Courtney is REALLY fucked up....more than anyone - even herself - gives her credit for. Of course, this is no excuse for the way fans are treated, but it's as though she completely closes herself off from the bad things that happen either to her, or around her - she hides in herself.
I probably have no place saying this, though, but it's just my opinion, and I'd hate anyone to think badly of me for it.
I did have a bad experience at Glastonbury, but it's probably nothing to what you experienced.......
As soon as I got there, I thought "Oh, this isn't too bad - I've got fresh air out here etc. etc. People just seemed to be milling around", but then there was music.....
All of a sudden, the band appeared ( Courtney last ) and they broke into 'Violet' . I was immediately hoisted about two feet off the ground by shoulders of all the sweaty blokes around me, and carried ten feet towards the stage. I had to keep my own shoulders up so that I could breathe....I had to make sure ( horribly ) that my shoulders were in the way of other people's faces. I know that sounds really shitty, but I kept an eye out for any people who looked more fragile than others...what else can you do in that situation? A couple of people fell over, and were getting crushed by other people's feet, but I somehow managed to pull them up...don't ask me how because I never knew I had power like that before in my life - I'm only small, but I picked up eight people trapped under other people's feet! It feels like an act of god....which is NICE!!!!! But Courtney didn't even seem to notice... maybe we were too far away, or something (5 feet from the front....?) I passed out for a bit, but I think it must have only been a couple of seconds because I was still upright when I woke up, which means I was actually held up by all those sweaty guys' shoulders. I seem to have written the word 'shoulders' alot here. Thanks for reading this.

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