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I was totally disgusted when I read what about what happen at the hole concert in Sweden. Unfortunately, I have also experienced the effects of a "mosh pit" at concerts. When I saw hole May 4.1999...I was overwhelmed by getting to see my favorite band for the first time. Unfortunately, it was also terrible due to all the pushing and shoving. There were girls that were pulling me down to the floor to catch a glimpse of Ms. Love herself. I was fortunate enough to have a speaker in front to me to hang on to and continue to cheer hole on as they roared thru the performance. Then there were of course those who think of crowd surfing as a sport. This was one of the more delicate experiences that I have had when going to concerts. The worst concert I must say had to have been Limp Bizkit. I couldn't even make it thru one song! It was a wave of sweaty, huge, vulgar, bald, idiotic guys throwing their fist all over the place. My boyfriend at the time had to keep pulling me off the ground. He finally gave up and we retr ated toward the back of the crowd when someone got a pair of keys and jabbed it into his back! Not to mention all the disrespectful guys that kept trying to rip my shirt off, there was a fight everywhere i turned. i was lucky to have been with my boyfriend at the concert because i know that if he wouldn't have been there, not only would i have been more petrified than i already was, but i knew that i would have seriously injured if not suffocated to death (i am not kidding). I am not saying I need a "man" to protect me, but lets face it: I weigh 125 lb. and I am 5'5. my boyfriend is three times my size and he couldn't hack it himself. Don't get me wrong, I love to attend concerts, but enough is enough. If you feel like jumping up and down, be my guest, but people that go to concerts to take out their frustrations on innocent people make me sick. A line must be drawn somewhere.

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