It sure was a packed 72 hours for Courtney Love. The woman for whom the word grunge - and several others - could have been invented was booked to sing at a benefit concert at London's Old Vic with Sir Elton John. All she had to do was catch a plane from LA to London and stay out of trouble. No chance for the wild woman of rock. En route to the airport, Courtney, 38, widow of Kurt Cobain, made a quick diversion via the shops on Sunset Plaza. She stripped off in the shop - well, don't we all hate communal changing rooms? - then sat outside picking her feet while waiting for her driver.
   Courtney made the flight on time, but was involved in an unseemly midair fracas with a stewardess who'd asked her to sit down and had also refused to let Courtney's nurse, yes, you did read that correctly, move from economy to first class to be with her. The pilot alerted the police on the ground and Courtney was met at Heathrow not by adoring fans, but by the boys in blue, who wanted a little word that lasted for 11 hours. When Courtney was released from custody with a caution under the Public Order Act for her misbehaviour, she said: 'I called her a f***ick bitch and I was right. It seems it's a crime in this country to cuss.'
   Courtney thought our bobbies were just wonderful, though. 'They gave me a badge saying "bitch",' she said proudly. She didn't mention wether they also stuck a sign saying 'Kick me hard' on her back. Luckily, Courtney was a free woman in time to perform on stage in front of a £1,000-a-ticket celebrity audience that included Kevin Spacey, Chelsea Clinton and Prince Andrew. And her song? The Bitch Is Back, of course.

- Now, February 19, 2003

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