Courtney Love, widow of Kurt Cobain, mother of Frances Bean, lead singer of Hole, and award-winning actress, says she's not upset about not being nominated for an Academy Award for her performance in The People vs. Larry Flynt. "Oh, I don't care," she told the New York Daily News. "It wasn't my turn yet. I'm from the rock world and we don't get recognized the first time out." Courtney says the Academy gave her the choice of whether to be nominated as Best Supporting Actress, or nothing at all, and that her people wouldn't let her accept anything less than Best Actress. "Sharon Stone told me getting nominated and losing in the Best Supporting Actress category is a much worse feeling than not getting nominated as Best Actress. She ought to know because she got screwed in Casino." Courtney also mentioned that she's working on the next Hole album, and that Smashing Pumpkin Billy Corgan may produce.

- Wall Of Sound, March 3, 1997

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