This was written by Katherine

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Courtney Love

You are the best rock grrrl I’ve ever seen.
You have an adorable daughter named Frances Bean.
I think you’re really pretty (I’m not a lesbian).
Melissa’s cool and she’s Canadian.

I have every Hole album that’s out,
You guys rock without a doubt.
Hole will always be my favorite band.
I luv the Malibu video with the fire, water and sand.

You guys opened some concerts for Marilyn Manson,
Thank God you weren’t touring with Hanson.
You kicks ass when it comes to playing the guitar.
You even helped some people when they flipped their car.

Eric’s cute and seems kinda shy,
He’s my type of guy.
You’re all smart and funny,
You guys must made a lot of money.

You’re a model, musician and actress.
Some of my favorite songs are Best Sunday Dress,
Jennifer’s Body, Doll Parts, Awful, Pedals and Violet.
Samantha’s good with her drum set.

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